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Royalmount’s presence on social media and other digital platforms dedicated to discussion, aims to create a space that allows dynamic and enriching exchanges about the Royalmount project and its news, as well as provide information about its public consultation proceedings.
Users who discuss a topic other than the one being addressed in the discussions will be directed to an appropriate resource when pertinent.
To make sure the space remains courteous and democratic, Royalmount has a Netiquette Policy to which all users must subscribe when engaging with the various platforms.
For the exchanges to remain harmonious, certain rules apply:
• Identification
• Rules of good conduct
• Content
• Language
• Authenticity of information
• Sharing
• Customer Service & complaints
Users who wish to engage on Royalmount’s social media platforms must identify themselves.
The community manager reserves the right not to post a comment or to answer a question if there is any doubt as to the poster’s identity. Impersonating a blogger, an editor, a moderator or anyone else is not tolerated.
The content published by Royalmount is accessible to all.
Royalmount does not accept posts that are illegal, insulting, racist, vulgar, inappropriate, obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, abusive, promotional or unrelated to the project and reserves the right to remove such content at its sole discretion and without notice.
Royalmount encourages free expression as long as it is respectful and expects users to avoid all personal attacks, inflammatory language or quarrels with other members of the community.
In Internet language, using uppercase is the same as shouting and can be interpreted as aggression, which is unpleasant for other users. Any message containing a capitalized word (with the exception of logos and acronyms) may be rejected.
Royalmount will correct any inaccurate or misleading information about the project as soon as possible.
The content published by Royalmount on social media platforms covers the project, the public consultation process, upcoming events, and more.
Royalmount is committed to answering questions, if any, as quickly as possible. In addition, it does not review comments and questions, but may moderate them.
It is possible to include a hyperlink in a comment provided that it leads to a site or an article directly related to the subject at hand. A comment containing more than two hyperlinks may not be displayed to avoid abuse.
Sending multiple messages that are counter to the spirit of an exchange is not tolerated. Likewise, posting the same comment more than once, which is considered spamming, is not tolerated.
Additionally, Royalmount reserves the right to remove any:
• Advertising and promotional solicitation
• Content promoting or discrediting a company, a product, a political party or its representatives.
The languages of the Royalmount platforms are French and English. It will communicate mainly in French, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the French language (RLRQ, C-11), but will answer in English or French, depending on the person asking the question.
Users must ensure that the content they post is genuine and does not infringe upon the rights of ownership, confidentiality or any other rights of a third party.
By posting content on a Royalmount site, users grant Royalmount unlimited permission and right to use and distribute their content with the appropriate credit (mentioning the first and last names available on their profile) for all purposes.
By posting on a social media and/or a digital platform dedicated to discussion, users understand that their comments are published on the Net for an indefinite period and are indexed by search engines
For any problems related to the Royalmount project, its partners or the area’s residents, we suggest that users contact a customer service representative:
• By sending a private message on Facebook Messenger
• By writing to the Royalmount Twitter account
• By calling 514-656-5692; for emergencies, press 7
• By emailing
• By visiting