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Extravagance, luxury, and refinement are represented as an oversized cupcake made from noble, durable materials. The colourful jewels serving as toppings evoke the ostentatious visual fracture of sweet glazes adorned with candies and other confections typically found on these comforting little cakes.
This artwork creates a paradox between the ephemerality of the cupcake and the durability of bronze and between richness and social status. It raises, not without a certain irony, notions of opulence, consumption, and overabundance.
L'œuvre juxtapose l'éphémérité d'un cupcake à la pérennité du bronze, soulevant avec ironie des questions sur l'opulence, la consommation et la surabondance. Elle met en contraste la richesse matérielle et le statut social.